

Explore Špindlerův Mlýn and its surroundings

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Immerse yourself in the world of history and knowledge

If you are looking for inspiration, new knowledge or just a pleasant day, visiting a museum is a great choice. Museums are where history meets modern times, nature's hidden treasures are at your fingertips and the stories that have shaped this region surround you. Accept our invitation and embark on an adventurous journey through the most interesting museums in our region.

Krkonoše Museums

Discover history with beauty on your journey of discovery

In Špindlerův Mlýn and its surroundings, there are many museums and galleries that are sure to tempt every lover of history, art and nature. In its repertoire, you are offered exhibitions and programs both historical and interesting about the local unique nature. With engaging stories, immerse yourself in the times when mountain farmers farmed and experience through their eyes the difficult times and magical stories that lived here.

Museums and galleries nearby

Art and history of Krkonoše and Sub-Krkonoše

The richness of the Krkonoše Mountains also lies in the number of exhibitions and expositions it offers to visitors. In addition to museums focused on natural treasures, history and Krkonoše crafts, you can also come across curiosities such as the typewriter museum or the Cimrman museum. A complete list of galleries and museums in this region can be found in the link below.


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