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About 70 km from Špindlerův Mlýn, you can visit the mining town of Kowary. A place full of history, where monuments are almost at every turn. The largest number of historical monuments is located in the local Old Town. The dominant feature is the town hall from the 18th century, which is known for its atypical hall of councilors with a ceiling full of allegorical depictions of what the town was famous for in the past - mining, blacksmithing, weaving and herbalism.

The main attraction, however, is the Park of Miniature Monuments of Lower Silesia. This tourist attraction was created in 2003 in the area of the former factory. Here you will find miniatures of the most important and beautiful monuments of Lower Silesia, including several miniatures from the Czech Republic (castle in Vrchlabí, castle Jilemnice, ...) and Germany (castle Bad Muskau, ...). In the park, you can also find a café with all kinds of desserts, benches near the most beautiful miniature monuments or a pond with a water fountain.

Don't hesitate and go on an adventure to Kowary!

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