
Looking for a place for your corporate event?

Conferences and corporate events

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Find the perfect place for your corporate event!

As one of the most visited mountain resorts, Špindlerův Mlýn also offers spaces for holding various corporate events. All this surrounded by the beautiful nature of the Giant Mountain´s National Park. Here you will find spaces for smaller events of a private scale and for international congresses. You can thus sit at a training or conference while enjoying the view of the Krkonoše peaks. In addition to modern spaces, hotels also offer a large number of activities, such as wellness, swimming pools and sports halls.

Find the right space!

Feel the touch of nature at your next corporate event!

Harmony Club Hotel
hotel VZ Bedrichov
Hotel Bedřiška
Hotel Praha
Hotel Savoy
Hotel Sněžka Felicity
Wellness hotel Windsor
Orea Resort Horal
Aquapark & Hotel Špindl
Hotel Zátiší
Erlebachova bouda
Hotel Lesana
Interhotel Montana
Pension Happy
Krausovy Boudy
Mountain huts
Erlebachova bouda
Mountain huts
Špindlerův Bouda Hotel
Amenity resort

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For variety...

Are you looking for an unusual experience for your partners or colleagues?

If you wish to organize a trip, an experience or a so-called Full service, do not hesitate to contact the Yellow point company. Although the Yellow Point agency operates throughout the Czech Republic, it mainly specializes in the Špindlerův Mlýn and Krkonoše region.

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