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Get to know Špindlerův Mlýn through sport

Špindlerův Mlýn, as one of the most popular mountain resorts in the Czech Republic, is an ideal place for lovers of sports and active recreation. Surrounded by mountains on all sides, this picturesque resort offers a wide range of sports activities for all ages and skill levels. In addition to the sports typical of this resort, you can also play tennis, squash or climb a bouldering wall.




On the move in the mountains

Špindlerův Mlýn, as one of the most popular mountain resorts in the Czech Republic, is an ideal place for lovers of sports and active recreation. Surrounded by mountains on all sides, this picturesque resort offers a wide range of sports activities for all ages and skill levels.

In addition to the sports typical of this resort, you can also play tennis, squash or climb a bouldering wall.


Tennis courts

Tennis, Squash, Volleyball and Netball

In Špindlerův Mlýn, you will find both outdoor courts and covered halls with artificial surfaces or clay. Do not hesitate and come for a few exchanges in tennis, to play squash, volleyball or badminton. Some hotels also offer the possibility of renting equipment, so nothing prevents you from enjoying a great game.

Where to go for a run?

Swap city parks and streets for mountain trails and footpaths. Enjoy the clean mountain air and wonderful views that will give you energy and peace. Come and run with us to Špindlerův Mlýn.

Indoor and outdoor sports

Boulder wall - Shooting Range - Rope Parks - Scooters

Come and climb the boulder wall, try out what it's like to aim for a target and shoot, or go down the mountains on all-terrain scooters. You can try shooting with a submachine gun, a shotgun or a Glock. You will learn how to properly hold a weapon, aim and what is the correct stance.

Boulder wall - Harmony Hotel Špindlerův Mlýn

The total size of the boudoir is 15 x 2.9 m, not a total area of 45 m 2 . The wall is intended for both beginners and advanced players. Entry is possible in climbing shoes and without shoes. You can rent climbing shoes at the wellness reception of the hotel.

Shooting range - Harmony Hotel Špindlerův Mlýn

Contact the marksman: +420 776 877 894

E-mail: vlasta.bibr@seznam.cz

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