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Excursion train around Špindlerův Mlýn



Experience Špindlerův Mlýn from the comfort of an excursion train, which will offer you a unique view of the city and its surroundings. During the hour-long tour, you will learn interesting facts about the history and present of Špindlerův Mlýn, you will drive through the area of Bedřichov and the magical valley of St. Peter, including a panoramic viewpoint for photography lovers.

This attraction is ideal for families with children or groups of friends who want to get to know Špindlerův Mlýn from a different perspective and at the same time enjoy a comfortable and informative ride.

The excursion train starts its route at the bus station in Špindlerův Mlýn, from where it takes you on a charming one-hour sightseeing ride. This ride will give you an exceptional view of key tourist attractions, including the Bedřichov area and St. Peter's Valley. The train stops at ideal locations for photographing the best scenery and capturing panoramic views.

The train departs from the bus station
11:00 | 13:30 | 14:45 | 4:00 p.m
Price and booking
  • The standard price for a ride is 250 CZK, while children under 10 travel for free.
  • For groups of 15 or more, the price is reduced to 200 CZK per person.
  • Group bookings are required and include volume discounts
Tomáš ŠMÍD
Phone: (+420) 605 360 002
Email: info@spindltour.cz

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