The Pančavský and Labský waterfalls are among the most outstanding natural beauties of the Giant Mountains. Pančavský waterfall , with a height of 148 meters, boasts the title of the highest waterfall in the Czech Republic. Its water falls from a height of 1,298 m above sea level to 1,150 m above sea level and is divided into four distinct cascades, creating a breathtaking natural spectacle. This waterfall, located on the Pančava River, rushing into the upper part of the Labský dol, is especially impressive during the spring thaw.
Not far from the Pančava waterfall is the Labský waterfall , which, with its height of 35 meters and sweeping fall into the Labské dol, impresses with its unique charm. The waterfall can be found below Labská bouda and represents another of the unforgettable water phenomena in the region.
Pančava waterfall
- Accessible along the red-marked ridge path above the Labský dol in the direction from Vrbatova bouda to Labská bouda.
- For a view from below, we recommend the blue-marked path leading through the Labský dol.

Elbe waterfall
- It is located approximately 1 km southeast of the source of the Elbe, below the Elbe hut.
- The best approach, like the Pančava waterfall, is via the blue-marked path that runs along the bottom of the Labský dol and offers a number of impressive views of both waterfalls.

Medium difficulty