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The anti-nuclear bunker at the Harmony Hotel



Discover the Cold War Museum, located in a former fallout shelter under the Harmony Club Hotel in Špindlerův Mlýn. This fascinating space, originally intended for the protection of prominent figures during the tense times of the Cold War, has been made available to the general public thanks to the initiative of the Harmony Club Hotel team.

Discover the hidden secrets of the Cold War under the Harmony Club Hotel

As part of the opening of the anti-nuclear shelter to the public, a Cold War museum was created here. The museum exposition is located in the underground floors of the hotel. From the equipment of the bunker, a spare aggregate, special tanks for drinking and service water, and even a functional air conditioning system, which is still in operation, have been preserved to this day.

Visitors can explore the original equipment of the shelter, including the rooms that served as staff, bedrooms, civil defense and infirmary on their own or with a guide who will introduce visitors to otherwise inaccessible parts of the bunker.

This unique shelter, which was supposed to serve the government of the then Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, provides visitors with not only valuable historical information, but also an unforgettable experience from a time that, fortunately, has already passed


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