Home / Events / Honey festival


Honey festival

Traditional folk fair

Špindlerův Mlýn - center


Every year, festivities scented with honey, sweet and salty treats return to Špindlerův Mlýn, with already autumn weather. All to the sounds of bands of various genres for both young and old fans. Come and enjoy the autumn atmosphere of our mountain town and taste everything that honey has to offer. The menu will include mead, honey sweets or even wax candles and all kinds of other decorations and snacks.


SATURDAY 11:00 - 17:00

Craft stalls, traditional Krkonoše food, honey products, children's program and much more

11:00 - GOTT Cover Band

Golden Nightingale hits

12:30 - Wasp is driving

Interactive show for children

14:30 - Michal Horák

Multi-genre singer-songwriter

16:00 - Bee Queens

Queens of pop

Poster for download

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