Home / Events / Painters of the western Krkonoše and Podkrkonoše mountains


Painters of the western Krkonoše and Podkrkonoše mountains

Come and admire the works of painters and draftsmen of the 20th century with us.

Municipal library in Špindlerův Mlýn (Service building, 2nd floor)


The lecture with Mr. Libor Drahoňovský will introduce you to the works of painters and draftsmen who in the 20th century documented the western Giant Mountains and its foothills with their works. Their work focused not only on the beauty of nature, but also on castle ruins, church monuments, ordinary and extraordinary moments of life and, of course, log cabins typical of the mountains.

Don't miss an insight into the world of art with a knowledgeable guide.

  • Špindlerův Mlýn Municipal Library - House of services on the 2nd floor
  • admission is voluntary

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