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Ski route Be fit



The municipal cross-country track "BE FIT" in Špindlerův Mlýn is a winter paradise for all fans of cross-country skiing. It is located 1.8 km from the city center and leads through the magical Labský důl valley. The route is regularly groomed, offers white tracks for classic running and is ideal for anyone who wants to improve their fitness or just relax in the beauty of nature.

If you enjoy cross-country skiing and would like to contribute to the improvement and maintenance of the route, you can do so with any financial amount. The contribution is possible both via QR code and by bank transfer to the account of the City of Špindlerův Mlýn. Your support will help ensure that the trail remains in perfect condition for all cross-country skiing enthusiasts.

  • Account number: 19-1928601/0100 at Komerční banka as
  • Variable symbol: 34192321

Thank you for every contribution that helps keep the "BE FIT" track in great shape for all skiers.

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