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Mountain hike | Špindlerův Mlýna - Medvědín Cable Car - Pramen Elbe



On the 14 km long route, visit some of the TOP natural monuments of interest. As part of one route, you will visit the Pančavský and Labský waterfalls, the Labská bouda, the Elbe spring and all this on top of the mountains with beautiful views of the surroundings. The path is full not only of the beauty of nature but also of engaging stories, which today are reminded by the monument to Hanč and Vrbata or the rowan trees that were supposed to serve as the defense line of the Czech Republic.

Start in Špindlerův Mlýn (720 m above sea level)

The way from the city, from the White Bridge, upstream of the Elbe to the Medvědín cable car, via the cable car to Medvědín.

Medvědín cable car (1,235 m above sea level) - Vrbatova bouda

From the top station of the cable car, the route leads through peaty walkways, Šmíd's viewpoint to Vrbat's shed (1,413 m above sea level).

Vrbatova bouda - Pančavský waterfall

From Vrbatova bouda, continue to the highest waterfall in the Czech Republic, the Pančava waterfall (length 148 m).

Elbe hut (1,300 m above sea level) - Source of the Elbe

Explore the surroundings of the Elbe hut, the Elbe waterfall (35 m) and walk to the Elbe spring (1,382 m above sea level).

Return to Špindlerův Mlýn

The route leads back through Mohyla Hanče and Vrbaty, the crossroads U Čtyř pánů, and the cable car back to the city center.

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