Home / Events / Špindl Bikefest

28. 09.- 29.09.

Špindl Bikefest

End the bike season with us!

Špindlerův Mlýn - Krkonoše Bajkovna


Come and end the bike season at Špindlerův Mlýn in Krkonošská Bajkovna. Of course, great music, beer, limo and grill await everyone. So don't hesitate and come and fight!

What awaits you?
10:00 - 17:00 Testing SPECIALIZED bikes
  • E-bike, Trail, Gravel

A unique opportunity to try this year's Specialized bike models and end this season with a great ride on great bikes.

Test routes will be prepared for all types of bikes.

The possibility of participating in guided rides with the instructors of the Krkonoše Fairytale, who will give you valuable advice and tips.

WHERE: at the base of Krkonošské bajkovna

 CZK 200/one-day testing

300 CZK/ two-day testing

Weekend camp for children

In parallel with bike testing, a camp for small bikers and bikers will take place, so that their farewell to the season is also as colorful as possible!!!

More information

Registration at the base throughout the weekend.

Age category in the range of 5 - 14 years

Entry fee: 200 CZK (free for camp participants)

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