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Zip Line and abseiling on the Elbe Dam



The Elbe Dam, one of the most picturesque places in Špindlerův Mlýn, offers not only breathtaking views, but also a wide range of adrenaline activities. The combination of exciting sports and beautiful nature here creates the perfect environment for unforgettable experiences.

Each of these activities is exceptional in its own way and brings a unique combination of adrenaline, fun and wonderful views, which is why the Elbe Dam is a popular destination for adventurers and fans of active recreation.
Zip Line | Bridging

Take a ride on a 120-meter-long zip line that takes you 25 meters above the ground along the iconic Labská Dam. This attraction is great not only for adrenaline junkies, but also for those who want to admire the view of the Elbe River from an unusual perspective. The zip line is easily accessible from the parking lot at the access road to the city center, right by the dam.


For those who are looking for a challenge and want to learn new skills, the Elbe Dam offers abseiling. Abseil down the 35-meter-long dam wall and take the opportunity to master basic abseiling techniques under the supervision of experienced instructors. Just take the first step and overcome your fear, and a world full of adrenaline and new experiences will open up for you.

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