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Mountain hike | Špindlerův Mlýn - Výrovka - Stoh hillside



The unique ridge in the heart of the Krkonoše mountains is 16 km long and takes you from the lively center of Špindlerův Mlýn to the tranquility of the picturesque Dlouhé dol to the mountain hut Výrovec and the slopes of Stoh will bring you back to the city. A five-and-a-half-hour walk awaits you through a forested mountain valley at different levels and through the meadows at its top. You will discover quiet corners of the Krkonoše Mountains and beautiful views of their ridges.

Start in the center of Špindlerův Mlýn at the TIC

The starting point of the hike is the Tourist Information Center in the town hall building, from where you go straight up the asphalt pavement, red tourist sign, to the Biskupská vyhlídka junction on the Dřevařská cesta.

From the intersection Biskupská vyhlídka to Dlouhé dol

From the crossroads at Biskupská vyhlídka, continue to the right following the green sign across the Svaté Peter valley to Dlouhé dol. A gradual ascent through the long valley along the picturesque Svatopetrské stream is replaced by a final sharp ascent to the saddle to Výrovec. This steep climb will offer you a breathtaking view of the entire valley.

Reaching Výrovka (1,363m above sea level)

After reaching the saddle at Výrovka, you will have a view of Modrý důl and Pec pod Sněžkou. Chata Výrovka is a pleasant stop to rest and recharge your batteries.

A cottage on Rozcestí and a well with a cozy Klínovka

From Výrovka, take the green path past Chalupa to Rozcestí in the direction of Klínovka. At the Klínovka crossroads, you will find a spring with a well where you can top up your water, and a pleasant cozy place to relax. From there, follow the blue hiking trail to the Stoh hillside path.

Return along the slopes of Stoha to the center of Špindlerův Mlýn

The final stage of the journey follows the blue tourist sign along the picturesque Stoh hillside, from where you will first look out to Dlouhé dol and the opposite Kozí hřbety. Later you will have a view of the valley of St. Peter and Špindlerův Mlýn.

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