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Tourist route from Horní Míseček to Labská bouda



The hiking route from Horní Míseček to Labská bouda leads along the Masaryk road, which will train your lungs with its more demanding ascent, but will reward you with breathtaking views of the Krkonoše treasures in the heart of the local mountains. In good weather, you can see as far as the Bohemian Paradise, and Trosky or Bezděz castles appear on the horizon.
The elevation gain is behind you and you are now enjoying the allure and uniqueness of the trip.
During the summer months, you can use the bus service to overcome the Masaryk road...Horní Mísečeky → Zlaté návrší, Vrbatova bouda.
The beginning of the journey, Horní Mísečky (1,050 m above sea level)

The route starts at the parking lot in Horní Mísečky, from where you continue on foot or in the summer season (June - September) you can use the tourist bus.

Vrbat's shed (1,400 m above sea level)

Vrbata bouda was opened in 1964 and is named in honor of Václav Vrbata, a ski competitor who on March 24, 1913 sacrificed his life for his friend during international ski races.

Hanče and Vrbaty Mound (1,412 m above sea level)

Not far from Vrbata's shed is the mound of Hanč and Vrbata, a monument commemorating the tragic story of two skiers as an act of humanity and sacrifice.

Signpost At the Four Gentlemen

The next point of the route is the U čtir pánů signpost, from where you can enjoy wonderful views of Labská bouda, the destination of our route.

Labská bouda (1,310 m above sea level) and return

Elbe shed, pearl or monster? The shed was built in this form in 1972 - 1975 and is an example of the best architectural tendencies of the 70s of the 20th century, influenced by the ideas of brutalism and late modernism.
In the vicinity of the Labská bouda, you will find some of the jewels of the Krkonoše mountains - the Elbe spring, the Pančavský and the Labská waterfall, which falls into the gorge of the Labské dol. To return from the trip, we suggest the red hiking route to the Pančava waterfall via Vrbatova bouda on Horní Mísečky.

This route is ideal for lovers of nature, history and hiking, providing ample opportunities for photography and mental relaxation.

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